Thursday, May 21, 2020
Communication Training Essay - 1999 Words
Introduction Like many organizations, our goals are to provide high quality services, employ a highly qualified workforce and maintain a positive bottom line. Many studies exist that describe the positive impact of employee engagement and empowerment on a business. Is it possible to improve our business proposition by changing the way our employees communicate? Our employees possess many perspectives formed by personal experiences and what is important to them as individuals. We expect our employees to move beyond their personal motivations, and consider the goals of the organization and the needs of others when performing their work. We also make an unconscious assumption that our employees have the skills to assess situations,†¦show more content†¦However, Kuhn (2005) asserted â€Å"lay arguers are not (typically) formally trained†to make an argument (as cited in Turner, Yao, Baker, Goodman, Materese, 2010, para. 1). Employees will revert to the ways they have learned to communicate while growing up when sharing thoughts on a topic or issue. Those techniques may not be adequate in the business environment, or when communicating with people who take a neutral, pessimistic or hostile stand during a conversation. Many studies suggest that high performing organizations develop effective communication plans. Considering the potential impact, shouldn’t we invest in giving employees appropriate tools for those all too important conversations? Training on clearly expressing and arguing a viewpoint is a key component of this strategy. The other day two of our staff members attended a workshop organized by one of our funders. The funder called a group of providers together to describe a new line of business and quickly determine the agencies that will provide the service. Upon inquiry, the funder shared that other organizations were better prepared to discuss the service and its implementation. The funder awarded the service line to another organization. Our staff had not adequately investigated the service and prepared for the funder’s expectations. They assessed the meeting as anShow MoreRelatedIdentifying Communication Styles As A Training Professional995 Words  | 4 PagesIdentifying Communication Styles As a training professional, you need to be able to differentiate effective and ineffective communication styles, and understand that their style of communication may often conflict with the way messages are interpreted. 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